Thursday, May 22, 2014


  • Windows operating system is software that supervises and controls the hardware.
  • Enables the users to communicate with the computer.
  • Control input/output operations: Receive commands from input devices and display information to output devices
  • Operating Systems are programs that allow computers to operate.
  • They help control the flow of information from one part of the computer to another.
  • It is the link or interface between application programs and hardware.
  • Both hardware and application programs use the operating system as their base
  • Some of the most widely used operating system are:
    • DOS
    • LINUX
    • UNIX
  • It manages the resources of computer namely the CPU, memory and Input/output devices.
  • Windows is an operating environment created by Microsoft. It provides users of PC with GUI (Graphical User Interface).
  • GUI is an environment based on pictures, buttons, and menu options on the screen rather than on typed commands such as old DOS. For example, if the user has to open the Microsoft Word for writing, then he/she just has to double click the icon on the desktop and the program will start.
  • In GUI environment, you have to click pictures on the screen or making selection from menus. Whereas in case of DOS environment, the command is to be typed.
  • Windows application programs are populated with entities such as icons (pictures that represent data files, programs or folders), dialog boxes (frames that display information and/or ask you questions) and windows (frames in which programs and data are displayed).
  • Any software programs the user run on the computer is carried out by the operating system.
        Graphical User Interface (GUI): A GUI operating system provides a graphical user interface to establish user communication with the computer. The user does not require memorizing commands to perform various tasks such as copying a file, opening a document. A user uses graphical objects such as icons, windows, button etc. to perform different tasks. Example: Windows Operating System
        Command Line Interface (CLI): A command line operating system provides a command prompt to the user for typing different commands to interact with the computer. The user needs to memorize commands to perform different tasks. Difficult as compared to GUI operating system. Example: DOS (Disk Operating System)

        Running several programs simultaneously: Windows allows you to run multiple   programs at once. e.g. If you are working on MS-Word, then u can also be able to run other application programs like MS- paint, MS- Excel, Windows Media Player etc. as well.
        Switching between open applications: If you are using Windows, you can easily open you spreadsheet program and find the necessary information without leaving MS-Word document. When you are done, a single mouse click or keystroke will take you back to MS-Word document
        Multitasking: The ability to work on two o more things at once is called multitasking. People perform multitask all the time, such as reading while watching TV, Talking on the phone while cooking etc.
        Windows not only allows you to open two or more programs at once, it allows you to carry out work in both programs simultaneously
        e.g. If u need to perform a time consuming task in one program such as, copying a large file from the Internet, you simply start the process and then switch to a different programs.
        The windows Clipboard (Copy or Move data): Clipboard lets you easily copy or move data from one program to  another by using cut , copy and paste command.Windows also include the feature known as clipboard that lets you easily copy or move data from one program to another by using Cut, Copy and Paste Commands


Software means computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software, in contrast to storage devices and display devices which are called hardware. Software is a collection of computer programs and related data that provides the instructions for telling a computer what to do and how to do it. A computer program (also software, or just a program) is a sequence of instructions written to perform a specified task with a computer.  In contrast to hardware, software "cannot be touched". Computer hardware, which includes the physical interconnections and devices required to store and execute (or run) the software.
CATEGORIES OF SOFTWARE: Software is often divided into two categories. 

1.     System Software
2.     Application Software

1.               SYSTEM SOFTWARE includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function. The system software of a computer consists of a collection of operative programs whose purpose is to make the use of the computer more effective. A computer without some kind of system software would be very inefficient and most likely impossible to operate. The production of system programs is a complex task requiring extensive knowledge and specialized training in computer science.
System software is computer software designed to operate the computer hardware, to provide basic functionality, and to provide a platform for running application software. System software includes device drivers, operating systems, servers, utilities, and window systems. allow a user to interact with the computer and its peripherals (associated equipment).
System software can be subdivided in to three categories:
       i.          Operating System
     ii.          Operating Environment
    iii.          Utilities

i.                 OPERATING SYSTEM: A computer Operating system enables it to carry out its disk filing and other operational tasks. We can put most of these tasks under four heading:
1.     Disk operations which are to do with storing programs and data on disk
2.     Network operation which enable a number of computers to be linked to each other and to share facilities such as hard disks and printer.
3.     Multitasking which enables the computer to handle several tasks at the same time such as running a spreadsheet, a word processing and power point.
4.     Multi-user operations which allow a number of people to use the computer and its software at the same time by connecting it to other PCs.

ii.               OPERATING ENVIRONMENT: There are two types of operating environment.
1)  Command Line Interface (CLI)
2)  Graphical User Interface (GUI)

1.     Command Line Interface: A command line operating system provides a command prompt to the user for typing different commands to interact with the computer. The user needs to memorize commands to perform different tasks. It is difficult as compared to GUI operating system. DOS has not got a “user friendly” environment. Their commands are awkward to memorize and use. People find the text based display unfriendly and difficult to use instead one that was graphics based.
2.     Graphical User Interface: A GUI operating system provides a graphical user interface to establish user communication with the computer. The user does not require memorizing commands to perform various tasks such as copying a file, opening a document. A user uses graphical objects such as icons, windows ,button etc. to perform different tasks. Windows is an operating environment created by Microsoft. It provides users of PC with GUI (Graphical User Interface). GUI is an environment based on pictures, buttons, and menu options on the screen rather than on type commands such as old DOS. For example, if the user has to open the Microsoft Word for writing, then he/she just has to double click the icon on the desktop and the program will start. Windows application programs are populated with entities such as icons (pictures that represent data files, programs or folders), dialog boxes (frames that display information and/or ask you questions) and windows (frames in which programs and data are displayed).

iii.      UTILITIES: The third category of system software is utilities. These provide the following facilities:
·       Carrying out tasks which are beyond the capabilities of operating system
·       Carrying out operating system tasks in a more efficient and easier way.
Examples of utilities include windows explorer and programs that we run from control panel for setting the time and date, installing new hardware such as modem, scanner, printer, changing mouse settings, changing display settings, wordpad, paint, calculator etc.

2.         APPLICATIONS SOFTWARE  includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software. It is a set of programs that allows the computer to perform a specific data processing job for the user. An application is a program or group of programs designed for end users. Applications software is also called end-user programs. This is the software that enables us to do the things that we bought our computer for such as typing a letter, preparing payroll, playing games, writing music or creating animated display. The kinds of application packages that are available include the following:

Record keeping software
Spreadsheet software
Wordprocessing software
Business graphics and presentation software
Communication software
Drawing and Computer Aided design software
Music production
Painting and animation software
Medical software

Application software is normally supplied as a package. Some packages can perform more than one of these tasks. For example, Microsoft office 2007 that will carry out word processing, record keeping, spread sheet work and business graphics. These are called integrated packages because they integrate or bring together these varied tasks.