Sunday, September 22, 2013


  •  Information Technology (IT) is the use of modern technology to help in managing information i.e. storage, processing, analysis and communication/distribution of information.
  • The tools we use to perform calculations, to store and manipulate text, and to communicate is the Information Technology. Some of these 20th century tools include: the adding machine, calculator for performing calculations, the typewriter and word processor for processing text, and the telephone, radio, and television for communicating.
  •  All types of equipment and programs which are used in the processing of information are called Information Technology.

Information Technology is not limited solely to computers though. With technologies quickly developing in the field of cell phones, PDAs and other handheld devices, the field of IT is quickly moving from computer-focused areas to other forms of mobile technology. A development in information technology is any improvement to the mechanism used to store, manipulate, distribute or create information.

Information Technology is playing a vital role on our lives. The general effects of information technology are as follows:

1.      Increased Reliance on Communication

People now use communication technology widely in their homes with fax machine, portable telephone, tele-text, satellite TV and use of the internet.

2.      Electronic Office

The new developments in information technology have made possible the electronic office. This is an office where most information such as documents, diagrams, finance and correspondence is handled electronically. It is stored digitally in computers rather than papers in filing cabinet. Spreadsheets and word processing software all provide a commercial benefit to the business.
3.      Handling Information
Information handling is very easy and fast with computers e.g. searching data, sorting it into order and analyzing it using database and other packages.
4.      Producing Models of Real Situations
Using spreadsheets, simulation programs and expert systems to form models. This allows a situation to be investigated.
5.      New Jobs Created through information Technology
A very large industry has grown up to produce and support information technology. This employs a large number of people.
6.      Information Technology Influenced The Way Governments Operate
The developments in information technology have helped governments to improve their “service” to their citizens. Advances in Database technology have enabled the governments to collect and monitor statistical information that they can use to fight against fraud, manage the economy in a more informed way.
Information Technology has also had a major impact on the defense capabilities of governments. Advances in weapons technology and weapons design have increased the effectiveness of various governments’ armed forces.
7.      Information Technology Influenced the Interactions Between Individuals
Individuals then have the ability to interact with other individuals through such developments as e-mail, chat-rooms and the Usenet. Internet technologies have enabled people with disabilities such as those who are blind or visually weaken physical disabilities or others to be able to enjoy access to sources of information and ways of communicating they may not have had the opportunity to have used before.

REPRESENTATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN A COMPUTER:Information can be represented in a computer in four different forms:

1.   Data: A data is a collection of facts, such as values or measurements. These facts are used to produce meaningful information. We process the data to produce information.
A data may be a name, a price, a quantity, a code number, an address etc. Data can exist in a variety of forms -- as numbers or text on pieces of paper, as bits and bytes stored in electronic memory, or as facts stored in a person's mind.

2.  Text: Text presents the information written as phrases and sentences. Although text is more longer than basic item of data but it is much more meaningful.

3.  Image: Image presents the information in pictorial form. This includes charts, graphs, pictures and drawings. Information in this form is more comprehensive than an item of data and more meaningful.

4.  Voice: Voice presents the information in spoken phrases and sentences. Like text, it is much more meaningful than an item of data.

Modern electronics is based upon the microprocessor, one form of microchip (A chip is also called an integrated circuit. Generally it is a small, thin piece of silicon onto which the transistors making up the microprocessor have been etched), which consists of miniature logic circuits engraved onto the surface of silicon chip. These tiny circuits replaced the glass valves used in the earliest computers of the 1940s and 1950s.

“Glass valve”


The early computers processed information in the form of data. Modern computers are more powerful and can handle information in other forms including graphics and speech. However, they work on the same principles as the early models.
The main difference between the computers of 30 years ago and the microchip of today lies in the fact that the latter are very small, cheap, reliable, and powerful.
Ever since the first chips were made in the early 1970s their power has increased every year while their cost has decreased. It is this fact that has caused the information revolution.


Microcomputer or Personal Computer: A computer that uses a microprocessor as its central processing unit is known as microcomputer or personal computer. The first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, introduced in 1971.
Ø  A microprocessor controls the entire operation of a microcomputer. Thus, it is the brain of the computer. It is an information processing device.
Ø  A microprocessor, sometimes called a logic chip, is a computer processor on a microchip. It responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer.
Ø  A microprocessor is designed to perform arithmetic and logic operations. Typical microprocessor operations include adding, subtracting, comparing two numbers and fetching numbers from one area to another.
Ø  A microprocessor is an “engine” that goes into motion when you turn your computer on. When your computer is turned on, the microprocessor gets the first instruction from the basis input/output system (BIOS) that comes with the computer as part of its memory. After that, either the BIOS or the operating system that BIOS loads into computer memory or an application program is “driving” the microprocessor, giving it instruction to perform.

Ø  Microprocessors are now built-in not just in to computers, but also into a wide range of other products from cameras to washing machines and cars. Microprocessor is used as a control mechanism in many of these products.

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